Our General Assembly (09:30 – 12:30) & Permanent Committee (14:00 – 17:30) Meetings the 5th June 2015 at Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Fondamenta Zattere Ai Gesuati, 919, 30123 Venice, Italy
Venice capital of European professions: last June 5th Venice was the European capital of professions. Under the auspices of Confprofessioni, in the frame of the cultural center of Artigianelli, took the General Assembly and the open meeting of the Standing Committee of the European Council of liberal professions (liberal professions). During the work of over 30 branch associations and the European Presidency was confirmed single professional associations such Rudolf Kolbe, representative of the Federal Government within the trade and the first Vice-Presidency di Gaetano Stella, President of Confprofessioni, the main representative body of the liberal professions in Italy. Kolbe and Stella will retain their positions until the end of the current mandate of the liberal professions, set at June 2016. They were then elected two new members of the Executive Board: Nicolae Mirica, cross-industry association, and Michael Van Gompen, European restorers.
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