MICROS 2017 – FROM 6th TO 10th NOVEMBER 2017


From 6th to 10th November 2017 at our Cultural Center Don Orione Artigianelli the “17th International Symposium on Microdosmetry” took place, to provide a forum for scientists from different disciplines to exchange and discuss recent and discovered data on relevant topics in physics and biology : the mechanisms of radiation action and their consequences for the risk of evaluation and radiotherapy, including proton and ion therapy. The 17th Symposium was a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Symposium, and in this way, the tradition of promoting and encouraging interdisciplinary interactions between physical and chemical progress, techniques and knowledge combined with the latest rapid progress in the molecular and cell biology and genetics. In addition, the meeting was devoted to recent techniques and developments in radiation detection and new irradiation. Discussion topic was the current issue of nonlinear phenomena and the examination of progress made by modeling the radiation action and multi-stage radiation treatment against cancer and neuro-radiobiology with application to epidemiological data, in particular for better quantification of low dosages and low risk rates.

Further information: Prof. Roberto CHERUBINI

INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di LegnaroViale dell’Universita’ 2I

35020 LEGNARO (Padova), Italy

Tel.: +39-049-8068393  Fax: +39-049-641925