The Energy Efficient Mortgages Pilot Scheme Meeting, which took place in Venice in our Sala Goldoni on 27 September 2018, brought together about 80 participants to bring further clarity on how best to ensure a successful deployment of the Energy Efficient Mortgage in the market, by combining market and institutional expertise under the Energy Efficient Mortgages Initiative.
The analysis of the criticalities and the potential solutions, which was conducted by the seven subgroups (Origination/Retail; Risk Management; Marketing ; Funding & Investor relations; Partnerships; IT Solutions & Data; Development of technical expertise) from July to September, was presented to participants as the starting point for the discussion. An interactive discussion took also place during the Energy Efficiency Panel Discussion, giving the audience the opportunity to actively contribute by sharing their views and suggestions.
The Energy Efficient Mortgages Initiative, led by European Mortgage Federation-European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC), is aimed at delivering a standardised European framework and data collection process for energy efficient mortgages, with favourable financing conditions for energy efficient buildings and energy saving renovations. It consists of two parallel projects, the “Energy efficient Mortgages Action Plan” (EeMAP) and the “Energy efficiency Data Portal & Protocol” (EeDaPP), and is funded via the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme.
For additional information on the Initiative, please visit: