
UNderstanding and Improving the Sustainability of agro-ECOlogical farming systems in the EU 20th-22nd November 2018
UNISECO aims to increase the sustainability of EU agricultural systems through the co-construction of strategies and incentives aimed at the diffusion of agro-ecological approaches. The

The Menarini Pharmaceutical Society has organized an ECM course for general practitioners entitled “Pat-Finder Find the patient and optimize the therapy” For information contact the

Overtourism Mediterranean Cities in Comparison – 15th November 2018
As part of the Alter Eco communication project funded by the MED 2017-2020 program and of which the Department of Economics is a scientific partner,

TERUMO EUROPE – Plenary meeting 23rd and 24th October 2018
Terumo Corporation was founded in 1921 by several scientists and doctors, including Dr. Shibasaburo Kitasato, to produce clinical thermometers in Japan. These vital medical devices

A.S.A.P.: A Systemic Approach for Perpetrators 5th November 2018
The meeting organized by the Veneto Region for the European project A.S.A.P. The general objective of the project is to define and implement a model

HR SEMINAR CITELUM – GROUP EDF – 24th-26th October 2018
Citelum S.A. organized the second HR Seminar in our Sala Goldoni, handling subjects such as: human ambitions 2018/2019, future projects and work groups. Further information: Giannina