Night is the best time to enjoy the magical of Venice: the crowd of tourists are gone or are resting, tired, after long walks. The reflection of light off the surface of the canals and the way light shines from the windows give a different dimension, more intimate. The sounds change: the plashing of water, the echo of the footfalls and of the voices in the empty spaces, show the city’s true dimension. Enjoy your night far from the places bound by tradition and the beaten track. Do you want to find out what a museum is like at night? Museums by the moonlight: from May 19 on Fridays and Saturdays, The Doge’s Palace is open until 11 pm. On Saturday, June 17th Artnight, the night of art will keep more than hundreds museums and institutions, private galleries, bookshops and exhibiting spaces open until late. Venice most-famous night  is the night of the Redentore. on July 15th. Once the fireworks are over, the boats head for the Lido where, in keeping with the tradition, people wait the sunrise. And if you want experience Venice at dawn in a different way, you can join the 5.30 run on July 14th.