15 years INTEGRAL Symposium 16th-20th October 2017

“There is a gold mine in space. The gravitational waves have led us to the discovery “

Two stars of neurons clashed 130 million light years. The explosion was observed by Ligo-Virgo gravitational antennas and 70 telescopes on Earth and space. Uncovered the mystery of how on the universe heavy metals such as gold, platinum and uranium have been formed.

So the titles of the online newspapers that reported the important discovery on Monday evening 16th, October 2017 after the news was officially issued by the NASA Center and at the Don Orione Center in Venice, we received live with the scientists who participated in the research and then commented in videoconference calling with the Minister of the ‘ Education, University and Scientific Research, on. Fedeli, and other officials of the Ministry of Rome; in the following hours he then bounced off all the newspapers and newspapers published the following day.

The Italian astronomers of INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics), gathered here for a major Residential Symposium from October 15th to 20th 2017, were among the first to observe this important event, through which it was actually proved, after about one hundred years, the theory of A. Einstein. They have explained that what happened 130 million light years from us could well have occurred in the Milky Way. Gold and other heavy metals then accumulate in the interstellar clouds, which with time create new planets.

The excitement in the Aula Magna during the connections was tangible and involved us with the staff when some speakers emphasized that at that precise moment there was an important page in the history of the Universe and we could witness it.

During the Symposium, a young scientist (under the age of twenty-five to 31 July 2017) received the “Mikhail Revnivtsev” award, a distinction based on the honor of the famous astrophysicist who devoted himself to high energy.

A week full of emotions, but also of many satisfactions because we have created a beautiful relationship between us and the con artists, very interested in our environment and our work … there is a bit regret when they left but to them more ; however they promised they will come back as soon as possible.