Venice celebrates, until January 2019, the 500th anniversary of the birth of the Venetian painter, Jacopo Tintoretto, (1519 – 1594), hosting not only a major exhibition at the Doge’s Palace but several other events in different venues.

The young Tintoretto traces with an exciting path, his first decade of activity, an extraordinary period of experimentations and stimuli, deeply renewing the painting of the lagoon, in a moment of great changes – at the Gallerie dell’Accademia until 6th January 2019.
Venice during the age of Tintoretto, a precious exhibition of ancient artifacts and . copies of the clothes worn by the characters portrayed by Tintoretto, on display in the museum’s halls, will help to reveal the historical and environmental context in which Tintoretto conceived his masterpieces – at the Museum of Palazzo Mocenigo until 6 January 2019.

Discover the works of Tintoretto in  Cannaregio Dorsoduro, San Marco, Castello, San Polo and Santa Croce and in the island of San Giorgio Maggiore: you will discover all the places in the city that contain the author’s works: at  the Church of Madonna dell ‘Orto, you can admire the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple (1556), the Last Judgment and the Making of the Golden Calf (1559/60), at the Monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore you can appreciate the Last Supper, 1592-94 , the Fall of Manna, 1592-94, and the Deposition in the Sepulcher, 1592-94.

FROM “DeTourism”