In Italy there are a multitude of Clinical Neurophysiology Services that deal with the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathies, often interacting with other specialists. Multidisclipinare this approach may lead in practice to the use of inconsistent diagnostic pathways and / or complex and expensive care therapeutic interventions, sometimes inappropriate. The purpose of this meeting is to compare various experts in neuroscience to identify specific diagnostic evaluation and treatment for peripheral neuropathies and other diseases affecting the peripheral nervous system, based on evidence-based medicine criteria. In particular, in the first phase of the event, will present the latest and Modern clinical neurophysiology and ultrasonographic advantage of direct practical demonstrations of equipment (“a small group”) or by discussion of clinical cases. In the second part we will be instead treated the different forms of neuropathy using the type teaching formula “meeting with experts”, coordinated by moderators of clear international experience.
Supported by: Accademia Nazionale di Medicina Organized by: Forum Service
Tel. +39 010 83794244
Scientific Director Prof. Roberto Eleopra – UOC Neurologia I – Dipartimento di Neuroscienze Cliniche -Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
Neurologico Carlo Besta – MILANO
Neurologico Carlo Besta – MILANO
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