There are many stunning works of art around Venice that you can enjoy for free. Here you will find a list of six things to do to get to know and experience the city!

  1. Visit Venice museums
    Venice state museums – as well as all state-run museums and archaeological sites in Italy – open for free every first Sunday of the month. On April 5, June 21, October 11 and December 8, 2020, free admission to the Civic Museums of Venice for residents in the Municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Venice and in the Municipality of Mogliano Veneto.
  2. Discover the Veneto Pantheon
    The Institute of Science, Literature and Arts displays a collection of marble busts depicting significant figures of Venice history – the so called Veneto Pantheon – originally exhibited in the loggias of the Doge’s Palace. The Institute is open for free with a guided tour for one Friday a month.
  3. See the ancient Casino Zane
    A wonderful little gem of Venetian architecture from the end of the seventeenth century, the Palazzetto Bru Zane, once a place dedicated to music and today a centre for French music of the nineteenth century, is open to the public every Thursday afternoon with free guided tours.
  4. Enjoy a concert in a church
    Wednesday 26 February 2020, at 9 pm, in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmelo (Carmini), the Concert for Ash Wednesday, organized by the Ugo and Olga Levi Foundation in collaboration with Chorus, La Fenice Theatre Foundation and Benedetto Marcello Music Conservatory. Free admission.
  5. Discover the Torcello Museum
    The Torcello Museum opens for free on Sunday 1 March 2020. It is an opportunity to explore the small peaceful island of Torcello, in the northern lagoon of Venice.